Performance efficiency through innovation, harmonization and excellence.
Our vision
To intend towards improving the image of AZANS: to become the most advanced and most respected ANSP in the eyes of the international aviation community, in the eyes of our users and our employees.
Our Values
- Safety is given the highest priority by rigorous reviews of the safety implications of every activity within the ATM operation. We are maintaining explicit safety standards which comply with national and international obligations.
Professional approach
- We are a team of experienced professionals backed by system of ongoing education.
Maximum value for customers
- We provide our customers with comprehensive services using optimum price/quality ratio.
- We keep up with industry trends and work to improve our solutions and services.
- We are one of the leading regional players in the drive to improve flight efficiency in our airspace.
- Environmental responsibility is a core value, guiding our commitment to sustainable air traffic management and a greener future for aviation.