Strategic approach to safety
We apply systematic safety management system to all of its operational activities. This formal approach is founded on documented safety policies, safety principles and safety procedures. The system forms the basis for risk assessment, safety assurance, safety control and safety monitoring. Our service is delivered by highly trained controllers supported by sophisticated technical systems. Controllers undertake an extensive four year training program me from initial entry to becoming fully operational. They are then subject to a continuous process of assessment of operational competence with annual reviews and re-validation by our internal compliance monitoring system the safety regulator. We are on the way to have a comprehensive safety incident reporting and investigation process. This provides vital information that is used to identify areas for safety improvement. We are committed to maintaining a ‘just’ culture to encourage the free and honest reporting of safety incidents and concerns.
Safety and Quality Policy
A Balanced Business Model
We use a Balanced Business Model to reflect a balance between our business priorities and objectives and customer satisfaction, quality of service, environment and safety standards requirements all at manageable risk.