The need to minimize the adverse environmental impact of aviation in Azerbaijan is well recognized.
The reduction of air traffic related effects of aviation on the environment is one of the major strategic objectives of The EUROCONTROL ATM Strategy 2000+:
“To work with ICAO and it’s Member States to obtain improvements in ATM, in particular the accelerated implementation of CNS/ATM concepts, procedures and systems which help to mitigate the impact of aviation on the environment.”
Environmental concern about climate change, gaseous emissions and noise is becoming an increasingly important political, economic and social issue for aviation. As aviation activity increases, the pressure on aircraft operators, airports and ATM to increase capacity will intensify the debate on the environmental impact of aviation. In particular, it must be determined whether it is possible to achieve an environmentally sustainable air traffic system throughout ECAC and simultaneously meet demand.
Economic Initiatives
We realise that new approaches, looking beyond the traditional reliance on technology and the infrastructure system, are required. In collaboration with others, it will analyse the impact of economic incentives and regulatory measures such as environmental modulated charges and implement such enhancements, as required, into the route charges system.
The cost benefit analyses relating to ATM will take into account, as far as practical, environmental implications.
Human Resources
We will provide environmental awareness in the training curriculum of ATCOs, a vital human interface with direct control and management of aircraft operations.
Performance Assessment
We will develop key performance indicators, which measure the environmental performance of the ATM system.
International Co-operation
Our environmental activities will be made visible to Member States, International Organisations and others relevant bodies and undertaken cooperatively with a view to securing environmental improvement.